Monday, July 12, 2010


Ok, the armies have been deployed for the start of the campaign.

The green circle with each army is the amount of baggage it is carrying.

As I mentioned, it would probably be a good idea to read up to the subsistence rules, just to get an idea of how that works.

As we decided, the general dice rolling will be done by one of us just to speed things up a bit in terms of map production etc, unless you do want to webcam it.

So, the game is ready, bring on turn one!

For the first turn, we'll run everyone at the same time. We can then either keep going like that or going in a ordered fashion like the rules...up to you.

Turn Tasks

1. Determine where you want each army to scout. Let me know by either posting on here or via FB and we'll roll up what you found. Depending on my mood, you might get a little commentary.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Campaign Setup

So, I've setup the map which can be seen below. As I've mentioned, this is really only a test to see how we go with the Mighty Empires rules and how we need to adapt them to suit 40K. Perhaps I should have made the map smaller, but I suppose it'll give us the opportunity to really bed down the rules.

Anyway, here's the map:

The starting points were randomised by F dice rolling, as were the starting settlements. Due to laziness, I couldn't be bothered creating icons for the settlement types, so I grabbed some off the net. They denote what would be cities, villages and fortresses in the original game, I'm sure we could come up with something more suitable to suit our genre, and I'm sure you can work out what is what from the above.

Each players region ownership is highlighted, yellow for Space Wolves, black for Ulthwe, blue for Ultramarines and purple for Hive Collussus. The orange denotes independent territory that'll have to be captured.

The top corner are the army markers, obviously there can be multiple.

I think that's all that required for the initial setup. If there's anything you want added or you have any ideas on changes, let me know!

So, to the next phase.

Each player takes 6 turns before what is described in the Mighty Empires rules as the "Winter Phase". We can follow those same rules. Each turn you can move any number of armies one space, will go through the mechanics of that later though. You just need to know from the start that you can move up to 6 spaces before the Winter break.

Now, based upon your starting settlements, you get a number of points to spend on armies. The requirements for the armies are:
  • Minimum army size is 500 points
  • Maximum army size is 1500 points
  • Each are must follow the codex for organisation (HQ, Troops etc)
  • If at any time the army is no longer legal, it is destroyed.
  • Obviously, you can only include a named character once throughout all your forces.
  • Multiple armies can occupy the same space and hence fight together, bear than in mind when thinking about what miniatures you have (or what you may need to purchase ;) )
There are rules for characters and troops recovering after battles, so if your HQ dies, it's not necessarily all lost (but it might be!)

So, again F rolled for each of us (except for Ulthwe, D helped there), and the starting points values are as follows:

Ultramarines: 4600 points
Space Wolves: 3900 points
Hive Collossus: 3800 points
Ulthwe Craftworld: 3300 points

Also we rolled for your baggage, required to sustain your armies over barren terrain or where you have multiple armies in the same space. Amounts for each army are:

Ultramarines: 7 baggage
Space Wolves: 2 baggage
Hive Collossus: 11 baggage
Ulthwe Craftworld: 7 baggage

Nice for the Ultramarines, but they're sandwiched between enemies, so it's likely they'll need the extra points.

So to begin, we each need to complete the following. Any questions, give me a call!

Before Proceeding:
  1. Build your armies following the above guidelines. Give them a number and keep them secret from the others.
  2. Let me know where you want to deploy each of them. (We'll have to work on an easier method for this.)
  3. Read the Mighty Empires Rules; download them here. Up to page 32 at least would be nice. I think we should eliminate the rules for ships, and sieges I'm still not so sure about. Read the rules and let me know what you think.